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Hispanic Career World Magazine, launched in 2001 is the recruitment link between students and professionals who are Hispanic and the employers that seek to hire them. This publication offers career-guidance columns, news, and feature articles that profile Hispanics in all fields.

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 Five Top Hiring Trends for 2017

Each new year promises a fresh start for people in the job market who want to grow their careers, move up the corporate ladder or simply make the move to a new employer.
Knowing what to expect in terms of hiring trends will give you a leg up in your job search. To that end, here are some of the top hiring trends you can expect to see in 2017:
1. Noting High Growth Industries for 2017: Employers recruiting in industries such as technology, software and hospitality will be working harder to hire the best of the best. In fact, 94 percent of recruiters state hiring will be more competitive in tech in 2017. Expect to see an increase in employer branding in the most competitive industries including:
2. Fitting the Culture: Another big trend is that culture fit will be a top factor in hiring decisions in 2017. Sixty percent of recruiters in a recent JobVite Recruiter Nation survey state it’s of high importance when making a hiring decision. Culture fit was second only to previous job experience, which 67 percent of recruiters said was of utmost importance when hiring.
So watch how people communicate with you and mirror that so you have the best chance of fitting in with a potential employer culturally.
3. Connecting via Employee Referrals: Next to internal hires, employee referrals garner the best talent for companies, according to the study.
Connect with someone you know inside a company when asking for a referral, or reach out to someone in a company via connections on social media. Not only can this help you land a job within a desired company, but 64 percent of recruiters report offering monetary bonuses to incentivize employees to help recruit top talent.
4. Asking for What You Want: One of the great things about 2017 is that companies will be competing for the most-skilled and qualified employees - and they’re willing to pay for it. Due to the high demand for top talent, candidates are feeling more confident in negotiating increased salaries. The JobVite survey revealed 68 percent of companies reported increasing “the average salary offer for candidates over the last year, particularly industries such as hospitality, telecommunications and software.”
That means if you get a job offer and you feel you are worth more money, then ask for it. You may just get it this year.
5. Getting in the Social Media Mix: Recruiters are still using social media to vet prospective employees. The overwhelming majority of recruiters (87 percent) are turning to LinkedIn as the best way to research prospective employees, so make sure your profile is professional, complete and up-to-date. Facebook came in as the second-most-valuable social network for vetting potential employees, so make sure your page represents who you are as a professional.
Be sure to portray yourself in the best possible light. Avoid photos of alcohol consumption as recruiters view them negatively. Marijuana use is also viewed negatively by 72 percent of recruiters. Keep your social media professional, and remove anything that might work against you in your job search."
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