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the disABLED
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Equal Opportunity Magazine, launched in 1968, is a career-guidance and recruitment magazine offered at no charge to qualified African American, Hispanic, Native-American, and Asian-American college students and professionals in career disciplines. Equal Opportunity empowers readers to move ahead in their job search and/or current workplace environment.

This magazine reaches students and professionals nationwide at their home addresses, colleges and universities, and chapters of student and professional organizations.

If you are a student or professional who is a member of a minority group, Equal Opportunity is available to you FREE!

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 The Unwritten Rules Essential for Success

Want to be a success? There are several things that you can be doing as an employee or intern that can get you noticed, as well as an executive or manager who has direct reports that can help you lead by example.
These unwritten rules essential for success can prepare you to be a stellar intern, employee and leader, and help you make a positive and lasting impression on managers and coworkers alike:
1. Don't Be on Time. Be Early. That applies for getting to work, arriving at events, even meeting colleagues for lunch. The secret for being on time: schedule when you have to leave rather than the time you have to be somewhere.
2. Be Proactive Rather than Reactive. Always try and meet one new person a day. By taking the initiative to do so, others will see you as interesting and taking a sincere interest in others.
3. Be Nice to Everyone. Treat the building security guards, receptionists, custodian and cafeteria team with the same respect you do your organization’s higher-ups.
4. Remain Positive. This means steering away from saying, “No, Not, Can’t, Won’t, Shouldn’t, Couldn’t, Wouldn’t.” Instead tell others what they “can do” rather than what they “cannot do.” Let them know that those who succeed find solutions, instead of make excuses, for even the most challenging situations.
5. Be Prepared. When invited to a meeting, always ask and advise others to ask, “What may I do to prepare for the meeting?” This question will demonstrate willingness to be active participants instead of mere attendees.
6. Park Your Smartphones. People first and then technology. Emphasize to your new hires that smartphones should be on vibrate and out of sight when they’re in meetings. The action of making even the slightest eye contact with their smartphone appendage may be misinterpreted as being disinterested in what the person speaking with them has to say.
Bonus: Walk the Talk. Your actions will speak volumes. You will get noticed as an intern or employee and lead by example as an executive or manager.
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