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 Constructing Empowering Goals That Set You Up For Success

By Rha Goddess
“Goal setting” is a popular topic this time of year; however, we can get a little ahead of ourselves – or just plain confused – when it comes to knowing what we want and/ or how to get there. We need to set goals in a way that actually empowers the success we desire.
It’s not enough to set a goal you think you should have or one that everyone else tells you is important. Set goals that inspire you, urge you to purposefully grow, and make you genuinely proud when you achieve them. Your responsibility (and ripe opportunity) is to set goals you believe in.
At Move The Crowd, the first thing we do is teach our entrepreneurs how to set themselves up for success. Here’s how we give what’s in our heart a voice and a vehicle:
• We get on our EDGE
• We get SMART
• We get VITAL
Get on your EDGE
The Growing Edge theory* is an evaluative process that helps one identify goals and intentions, from where someone is ready to expand, versus where someone “should be” based upon a preconceived notion of how it “should” go. Each of us has our own unique evolutionary process and it doesn’t always look like a straight line or follow the “norm.”
When you are on your edge, your goal is a stretch, but in all the right ways. You feel compelled to move in a direction you most want to go and at a pace that feels good and exciting.
A goal that is “over the edge” leaves you feeling terrified, overwhelmed, or resistant. “Pie-in-the sky” delusional goals fit in this category.
A goal that is “behind your edge” is easy to attain and doesn’t offer any real challenge. There is no “juice” in pursuing it.
Once you understand your growing edge, you must cultivate a deeper sense of clarity about what you’re aiming for before you can look at how you are going to achieve it.
SMART is an acronym for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant & rooted in Time.
• To get Specific, ask yourself what do you specifically want to accomplish?
• To get Measurable, ask yourself what will you track or measure to indicate that you have or have not achieved success?
• To get Attainable, ask yourself is the goal feasible given your current capacity?
• To get Relevant, how does this goal move you closer to your larger vision?
• To get rooted in Time, it’s simple...ask yourself, what and by when?
Evaluate what success looks like for your respective goal and include that criteria in the goal articulation. What smaller targeted achievements (milestones) will happen along the way and make attaining the goal inevitable?
Take a look at the top three things you must do every week to make the mile - stones(s)/achievement(s) inevitable. Keep your pursuit manageable and break it down until it’s just a task list.
Success is about alignment. Whether you are devoted to landing your dream job or earning six figures this year, have a crystal-clear understanding of how this goal this fits into the larger scheme of your life. Get on your edge, get smart, and get vital in order to stay true to who you really are. Get paid for the value you bring, and do good for the world you love and live in.
The Growing Edge technology comes from the pioneering work of Gail Straub and David Gershon of the Empowerment Institute.
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